Company structure
A company structure is a separate legal entity and more complex to setup and operate than other structures.
Key features
If you are looking at starting a company structure, consider the following key elements:
- A company is a separate legal entity.
- A company is a more complex business structure to start and run.
- It involves higher set up and running costs than other structures.
- You are required to understand and comply with all obligations under the Corporations Act 2001.
- Business operations are controlled by directors and owned by the shareholders.
- Company shareholders have limited liability.
- The money the business earns belongs to the company.
- An annual company tax return is required to be lodged with the ATO.
- Your are required to complete an annual review and pay an annual review fee.
- Directors are required to complete a declaration of solvency each year.
Do you worry about getting your GST, BAS and payroll right?
Would you like to:
- Save time on your record keeping so you have more time to focus on other aspects of your business?
- Reduce the stress around meeting your GST and payroll reporting obligations?
- Have reliable data and reports to help you to understand how your business is performing, manage your cash flow, make more informed decisions and improve your business?
I’m Sharon, a registered BAS agent with more than 20 years' experience in the industry.Get in touch to find out how I can support you and your business to stay on top of your numbers to run a successful business.